To all mothers and especially mine , all the best wishes of happiness and good health. I love you mom!
On the second Sunday of May, here in the US is celebrated Mother's Day, a day to honor mother. Americans, on this day spend approximately $2.5 billion on flowers and $1.5 billion on pampering gifts, like spa treatments; also this day generates about 8% of the jewelry industry's annual revenue.
We were invite to spend the day with all the mothers in the family in Long Island, at Nina and Edy. I'm sure we will have a nice day, the weather is nice and so is the company!
Multumesc pentru urari, cu intarziere, dar acasa nu prea mai folosim PC-ul. La fel iti dorim si tie! Toate gandurile bune de la fam Preda! Ce cadouri ai primit? Cum ati petrecut in Long Island?
Multumim si pentru urarile de ziua lui Sergiu, iti va multumi si personal in seara asta...
In Long Island a fost OK, din nefericire pentru cura mea de slabire , prea multa mancare!
Cadouri doar de la Corina si Kevin , atat pentru mine cat si pentru restul mamelor, ne-a dat niste "lozuri" , dar toate au fost necastigatoare!
Multumesc intregii fam Preda pentru urari.
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