Thursday, May 21, 2009

Happy B-day Mom and best wishes to Sts. Constantine and Helena!

1. May 21 is my mother's birthday. Earlier today, I and Corina called and wished her happy birthday. She sounded great and she said that she feels well . I've seen some recent pictures of hers, and I have to say that she looks good too! Dear mother, through this avenue also, we want to wish you once again good health and many and happy returns! You share the day with Tudor Arghezi (Romanian writer) and the first female President of Ireland, Mary Robinson!

2. May 21, the Romanian Orthodox Church is observing Saints Constantine and Helena. It is customary that all the people named so, to celebrate the day partying along with friends and family. So, to my husband , Constantin (Coni), and my aunt Elena (Nana) all the best!
Pentru fam Preda - am sunat-o si pe Nana sa-i uram toate cele bune si era in mare petrecere. Toata familia Balan era acolo, inclusiv tanti Angela, voi cum de nu erati? Nu v-a invitat sau nu ati vrut sa va duceti? Coni va multumeste pentru felicitare si urari. Pa!


corina said...


iuliana said...

Dana, asa e, am fost absenti de la petrecere de data asta...este o poveste mai veche la care am incercat sa nu ii dam importanta, avand in vedere ca suntem mult prea ocupati cu lucruri mai serioase. O sa iti povestesc pe mail sau mai bine cand ne vedem...