Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Fashion Show

Coni got the invitation from the General Consul of Turkey to US and after lingering if to go or not, we decided to attend the show and the reception afterwards. It was an interesting evening and worth the effort! The collection was inspired from the Ottoman Empire era with a touch of modern, all done in the Turkish tradition. Some of the dresses were quite daring, but then Turkey is a modern, open minded, Muslim country. The reception was OK, good food, including, to my surprise , stuffed cabbage (sarmale) which I thought was a Romanian tradition....and of course baklava and plenty of fruits. They had all kind of alcoholic drinks, but I had only champagne which went well with everything I ate, especially the berries. We met a lot of people, I didn't know that the Turks are so friendly.
At the end, when we went to say good bye to the General Consul we took a picture with him and somebody with a newspaper from Ankara said that they will publish that picture. Probably they liked my curvy figure....ha..ha...ha... So, pretty soon check the newspapers in Turkey to see me! Corina, Iuliana and everybody else, I double dare you to top my performance!!!! The grand finale with bridal dresses, but I don't understand the black dress in the middle... is it for the merry widow (vaduva vesela)?
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iuliana said...

congratulations! ai grija cu turcii astia ca le cam plac romancele!!!insa nu e rau deloc nici sa fii prietena lor, caci au o baclava asa bunaaaa!!!oricum inteleg ca a meritat sa accepti invitatia, dar Coni nu stiu daca te mai ia cu el data viitoare?! (glumesc). Si pe mine a vrut sa ma "cumpere" un turc de la Adi cand am fost in Turcia acum 100 de ani(cand eram mai tanara), iar Adi era shocat (inca nu eram casatoriti).

Dana said...

Trebuie sa recunosc ca tu esti castigatoarea in the double dare challenge - oferta de a fi cumparata de un turc bate oricand publicarea unei poze intr-un ziar, chiar daca este cu Consulul General al Turciei din USA...

iuliana said...

nu se poate compara...ala era un amarat de pe strada, daca il scuturai nu stiu daca pica ceva din buzunare...

Dana said...

OK, then it's a tie!