Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy April Fool's Day!

Fool's Day is not a holiday, but is celebrated in many countries by playing practical jokes and hoaxes on friends, family members or neighbours.
The origin is not known. One likely theory is that the holiday, being celebrated for the first time after the adoption of Gregorian Calendar, the term fool referred to someone still adhering to the Julian Calendar, which it replaced.
There is a Museum of Hoaxes with all time and well-known favorites. One of them is the "Spaghetti Tree" ran by BBC in 1957, showing people harvesting spaghetti from trees. Many phoned in, asking how to grow their own spaghetti trees! Another prank...."Water on Mars": in 2005 a news story posted on the official NASA website purporting to have pictures of water on Mars. The picture actually was just that: a picture of a glass of water on a Mars Candy Bar!
I, personally, didn't nor I was tricked by many people... actually the one that I remember, maybe because was the first time, happened many years ago, probably I was in 4th grade. Teta, told me that she met at market the mother of a friend and a classmate of mine, Anica, and that she needs my help with some homework, so I have to go quickly over to her place. Of course, I did just that, in spite that my friend's house was pretty far...When I arrived there, I was shocked to find out that Anica didn't need my help with anything. Her mother reminded me though, that it was April 1st. On my way back I was thinking how to get even with Teta, so I invented a story that our neighbour, Mrs Iepure asked me to tell her that she ran out of sugar and will be helpful if Teta could lend her some until she has time to go to the store. I wasn't sure that Teta will buy it, but she did and went over. In the end, I remember we both were sports and started to lough loudly!!!
Today, You Tube flipped all the video upside-down and tips to view the new layout (turn the monitor, tilt your head or move to Australia). When I checked for new videos from my subscriber, I've noticed it, but I wasn't surprised, because I was reading earlier, on line about their prank. Ha...ha... ha ...very funny!!!

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