Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Gheorghe Munteanu - Murgoci (1872-1925)

Yesterday, toghether with Nana, I was visiting Braila, (hers and my father's birthplace) a town on Danube river banks.
Alongside Nicolae Iorga or Vasile Parvan, he was one of the founders of South-Eastern European Institute in Bucharest.
Also, he was a member of the Romanian Academy.
He published many studies and books in this field: Sinteza geologica a Carpatilor Sudici, Cercetari Geologice in Dobrogea Nordica or Balta Dunarii to name a few.
Unfortunately, he died pretty young, at only 53 years old.
So, Corina, this is where we take our smarts! What say you?
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