Here I found out an interesting fact about our ancestry, that we are related through my father's mother (my grandmother) with the renowned Romanian geologist, Gh. Munteanu-Murgoci. He studied math and science at the Nicolae Balcescu High School, the same high school as my father did years later. Then, he studied geology and mineralogy at the University of Bucharest, where, in 1903 he became a professor, after he took his PH degree with "Magna cum laude" from University of Munich, Germany.
Alongside Nicolae Iorga or Vasile Parvan, he was one of the founders of South-Eastern European Institute in Bucharest.
Also, he was a member of the Romanian Academy.
He published many studies and books in this field: Sinteza geologica a Carpatilor Sudici, Cercetari Geologice in Dobrogea Nordica or Balta Dunarii to name a few.
Unfortunately, he died pretty young, at only 53 years old.
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