Friday, December 12, 2008


...and may more to come! I hope you will enjoy your day and the surprises in store for you.You share the day with many personalities (not that you are not one!) :Gustav Flaubert ,french writer (Madame Bovary) ,Frank Sinatra (Hoboken son) or Bob Barker (Price Is Right).
Somebody said that the richness of life lies in the memories we have forgotten. See below some of them ...
Love , Dana and Coni


corina said...

that's nice. cool!!!! thank you gugu

Dana said...

You're quite welcome,Gugulino!

iuliana said...

congratulations, Gugulinelor!!
you are the best!!!
(La multi ani, inca o data, Corina)

corina said...

multumesc iuli!!! ce mai faceti voi? pupa si pe trupa ta!!! corina