Tuesday, March 31, 2009

To Iuliana...

Deoarece n-am mai avut vesti de la voi am crazut ca sunteti ocupati cu mutatul sau chiar ca sunteti deja mutati si prinsi in treburi prin noua casa. Noi suntem bine, nimic nou, nici nu mai vreau sa pomenesc de Mexim, o lungim de la o luna la alta, cat mai putem. Corina in ultima vreme a fost mai mult singura, deoarece Kevin a fost plecat in business trip in Germania, iar saptamana asta este in Florida.
Mama ce mai face? Dar copiii?
Vroiam sa va intreb - voi mai aveti computer acasa? Eu vorbesc tot timpul cu Cozeta foarte bine si clar prin Skype, si ar fi nemaipomenit de bine sa luam legatura si cu voi tot asa!
In ceea ce priveste vizita in Ro, mai avem timp sa vorbim, dar oricum nu va dati peste cap, Kevin nu este pretentios de loc si s-a obisnuit cu mancarea romaneasca.Va pupam...
PS: Invata cat mai ai timp cum sa post on a blog, noul trend acum este Twitter!!!

Spring on 34th street!

Finally spring has arrived ... the sun shines and the trees are in full bloom
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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ringling Bros Circus at MSG

The arrival of the circus has become a great annual tradition. Soon after midnight the traffic is closed and people are lining alongside the 34th Street, to see and enjoy the sight of the clowns, elephants or ponies on their way to MSG(Madison Square Garden). Kevin wanted to see it too, but being during a week day makes it more difficult.
Unfortunately, this year I fell asleep and Coni woke me up a little too late, so I didn't have time to take good pictures , the procession already have passed our building. Maybe next year, who knows? We'll see....
The circus on 34th Street...
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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

To Maureen...

Corina wearing her Claddagh earrings on St Patrick's Day. By the way we had a great time yesterday. We didn't see him, but Kevin told us that uncle Edd was in the parade with Ancient Order of Hibernians(an Irish-Catholic fraternal organization)
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...and a close-up...Claddagh jewellery is worn by those of Irish heritage as a cultural symbol. The design features 2 hands(friendship) clasping a heart(love) and surmounted by a crown(loyalty)
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... and lastly, wearing her kilt...Yes, there is an Irish kilt based on Scottish garment but traditionally made in a single solid colour
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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Pictures from the St. Patrick's Day Parade, NYC

...and also there are Irish bagpipe bands
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A spectator wearing a big green hat and watching the parade on 5th Ave.
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Coni mingling with a bagpipe band waiting to parade
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One of many high school bands in the parade...Posted by Picasa
Kiss me I'm Irish too...
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Happy St. Patrick's Day!

March 17, St Patrick's Day is the national holiday of Ireland and celebrates Saint Patrick, one of the patron saints of the country. The celebrations are themed around all things Irish and by association, the colour green. The tradition with colour green comes from the shamrock, a three-leaved plant (trifoi) used by Saint Patrick to explain the Holy Trinity. In NYC the celebration started in 1762. For a day everybody is Irish, wearing green, attending parades or enjoing Irish foods and drinks. This year, I and Coni intend to go and see the parade on 5th Avenue and afterwards Corina and Kevin are coming over for a traditional Irish dinner with corned beef, cabbage and potatoes. I wonder if Corina will wear her Claddagh earrings, present from Maureen! I will post pictures later. Have fun!!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Happy PI Day

As if they don't have anything better to do in this time of crises, this week US Congress passed a resolution recognizing March 14 as "National PI Day". It is a day to celebrate the mathematical constant pi (how do you type the Greek letter?). PI Day is observed on this date (3/14) due to pi being equal to 3.14 ! The first celebration was held at the San Francisco Exploratorium in 1988. So everybody, Happy PI day!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Weight Loss

Sensa unfortunately, is not the answer, it didn't help a bit. I've canceled the rest of the shipments . At least from now on no more gimmicks for me, I'm sure the only thing that works is small portions of healthy foods, reducing sugar (deserts) and lots of exercise!!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Noul apartament...

Vineri, martie 6, i-am ajutat pe Kevin si Corina sa se mute si desi si-au angajat oameni , a ramas destul si penteu noi. Sambata au facut o mica "house warming party" la care au venit si Maureen si Bill . Vedeti cateva poze mai jos. A propos am jucat Wii bowling si mi-am spalat rusinea - de data asta eu am fost castigatoarea, cu toata febra musculara pe care o aveam de la mutat.. De dansat... n-am mai avut timp, next time!
The apartment... a picture taken from downstairs. You can see the terrace with the two windows of the bedroom and the corner window of the living room!
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The living room - the view of the stairs to the terrace...
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...the other 1/2 of the living room
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The terrace, east side view...
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..and the west side view
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International Women's Day

IWD is a celebration of women's achievements and contributions and voted by United Nation as a international holiday in 1977. It started by Lenin, following The October Revolution, as a political event in Russia to commemorate the outstanding merits of Soviet women in communistic construction. Romania, as well as all other countries of former Soviet bloc adopted it too. Today, it's not a political celebration any longer, but become simply an occasion for men to express their love and respect to the women around them.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Happy Square Root Day! (Radacina Patrata)

Ha , ha , ha ...Isn't it funny? Today is 3/3 /09 (march, 3rd, 2009) , so the mathematicians and everybody else who wants, celebrate square root day! It occurs only 9 times each century. The next date to celebrate will be 4/4 /16. Until then, enjoy today!!!
Also this: March 3rd, 1931 "The Star-Spangled Banner", the poem written by Francis Scott Key, officially became the national Anthem of US.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Winter Wonderland

The groundhog was right - a month after he saw his shadow is still winter, the good news though - we have only 2 more weeks to go!!!
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Sunday, March 1, 2009


Out of all Romanian traditions, this one I like it the best! The beginnings are still a mystery, but it is usually said that is originated in ancient Rome when the New Year's Eve was celebrated on the 1st of March (Martius), the month of the war god, Mars. Until 1701 in Romania the New Year' Eve was celebrated on March 1st, so it's not impossible to be true! Now a days, "martisor" is a celebration of the beginning of the spring. Men offer women a lucky charm, in Romanian called "martisor", tied to a red and white string. It is believed that the one who wears the the red and white string will be powerful and healthy for the rest of the year. Happy spring and a healthy and prosperous year to everybody!!!